Aspirating Smoke Detection - ORIGIN:
Switzerland / Germany
Securiton AG belongs to the Swiss Securitas Group and has been entirely at the service of technical security since its founding in 1948. With its pioneering spirit and far-sighted approach it has since developed into an acknowledged specialist for high-standard security. As a competent consultant and recognised installer Securiton o ers a wide selection of security systems for re detection, burglary/ hold-up alarm systems, personal protection, access control and time recording, video surveillance, property and perimeter protection.
Switzerland / Germany
Part of the Swiss Securitas group, Securiton is the most reliable industry leader in Fire Alarm , Air Sampling & Beam Detector. Products are Certi ed by Vds & approved by local Civil Defence Authority.
- Modular Decentralized Fire Alarm System.
- Fully redundant hardware & Software design.
- Lightning fast detection with a panel capacity of 3500 units.
- Air Sampling System o ered has LED detection which ensures double the life of laser & with higher sensitivity.
- ASD available with Single & Dual chamber with HD Smoke Chamber providing 0.002%/m to 10%/m obscuration. Suitable for Cold Storages as well upto (-60 C ).
- Approved by Civil Defence Authority.
- Products are Developed in Switzerland.
- Manufactured in Germany.